"If Islam is so wonderful , how do you explain the rampant poverty and theocratic and authoratarian dictatoships. Why are the muslims going to the so called decandent western countries to make a better life?Westerners don't ever seek to live in your islamic countries. Judaeo-christrian values breed better democratic and properous nations. Please explain the value of your islamic dictatorship regimes."
My reply:
The present day dictatorship of the Muslim majority countries is a phenomenon that started after the colonization of the Muslim world and was imposed by the "peace and democracy loving" western powers. The western powers were eventually compelled to physically leave but left the people of those countries with their pet slaves as rulers so to have a continued proxy control in the future. The western powers have one set of ethics and rule for their own people and other for the rest of the world hence people from 3rd world countries find more security while living in the west as opposed to their own countries where an environment of constant anarchy & chaos is imposed by the stooges of west through their corruption and violation of basic human rights of their country men by placing hurdles in their way to prosperity. Muslims masses also should be partially blamed for that mess since they should have gotten united and rose against such corrupt leaders but they are kept so busy in solving the petty issues of their daily lives that they don't find enough time and energy to stand up against such tyrants in the midst of their effort of mere survival.
In the past, Muslim Spain enjoyed a similar status as present day USA since Europe was in dark ages as Catholic church use to massacre groups of their own people whenever their religion was questioned. Jews were abused & butchered for centuries and the reason behind the birth of Protestant sect was this injustice and brutality of the church. At that time, Europeans use to come to Muslim Spain seeking better living standard and advanced education. The universities of Toledo and Qordoba were the main reason for the later European renaissance. George Bernaudshaw stated that if Muslim Spain hadn't fallen, humanity would have reached the moon 200 years earlier. When the entire Europe was in dark, the streets of Qordoba were brightly lit and the ora of prosperity and progressiveness was in the air. Muslim civilization had made a major contribution towards the modernity of Europe and the west that way we know today.
Every individual has the basic human right to prosper under an environment where their freedom is protected whether it be under Muslim or Christian rule. Every nation goes through the phases of their rise and fall that results due to their actions misguided or otherwise since that is the divine law that applies to all nations and at this time Muslims are in declining phase as a direct consequence of deserting their religion the way it was revealed to be followed. Once they get back to the just, humane, ethical and moral aspects of their faith, they will get back to the place of significance on the world stage.